3 Preptober Tips and My NaNoWriMo Plans

Yesterday, I posted a *BONUS* nail with me video that I recorded last week, and it’s all about preptober. If you want to see me do my nails with some awesome Color Street nails and talk all about what I’m doing for preptober, please do (check it out)!

In that vein, I want to give you a few tips for your own Preptober journey:

  • Even if you’re a pantser, make sure you have an idea of your starting point, the climax, and the conclusion.
  • Choose a non-word count related goal for NaNoWriMo.
  • Set the writing mood. Create a playlist for your NaNoWriMo project

October is a great month to prepare yourself for NaNoWriMo. So, if you are planning on trying to write a novel in 30 days (or at least 50,000 words of the novel), use these tips to set you up for success.

Also, once you get a little closer, find yourself a group. None of us has to go through NaNoWriMo alone, there are literally thousands of us participating. You can find a local group, or better yet, an online group of your tribe who are participating.

Also, make sure you are ready for those writing sprints. Find the authortubers who are hosting live write-ins, or see if there are any facebook write-ins for others in your area.

Let me know below how you prep for NaNoWriMo, and what your NaNo plans are!

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